Black Friday

Just a few weekends ago I woke to an ice fishing hut engulfing my living room. It was a sight to be seen. That weekend I was out on the ice for my first time and (up until I got violently sick) having a blast.img_7515
Every spare moment since we got our new hut Brian could be found on various lakes within a 100 mile radius of our home. He has provided dinner on many nights and has quickly filled the spots in the freezer we have created from consuming some of our stock of salmon & halibut caught over the summer.

Kratos is also reaping the benefits of his various outings and has taken to ice fishing quickly. He has learned that occasionally a fish that makes its’ way out of the frigid waters lands at his feet and disappears behind a flash of teeth and beard.
So for Black Friday we decided to #OptOutside and spend the day at a secluded lake near Anchorage topping off the freezer.

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