
This post is really more for me. I’d like to be able to look back on this one someday and see how much I’ve grown in my work.

I’ll explain:

Earlier this month, in an attempt to combat the boredom during another rainy weekend (I, like a witch, will most certainly melt out in the cold summer rain.) began to play around with Adobe Lightroom [a photo editing program for the computer]. Up until this point, everything I have ever edited has either been on an online website ( or a phone app (VSCO). Most of my photos turn out fine for situations like Facebook or Instagram, but they lose their quality in larger formats like a computer screen or being printed for hanging on my wall.

So here is my before image, raw (literally) from the camera:
Byron Glacier before
And my after image, post Lightroom production.
Byron Glacier
Is it amazing? No. It’s my first image and I don’t expect it to be, but I’d like to look back in 100, 1,000 or even 10,000 images and see what kind of progress I’ve made.

One thought on “Lightroom

  1. Karina says:

    So…when you figure this out, I’m going to send you the pic I took at Matanuska Glacier…because I want to put it on a triple canvas like this
    and put it up behind my couch (just like it’s pictured). 🙂 Great work! I miss you so much! I wish I was there to talk about all your “side jobs” and freelance work!!

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