Australia Day

WARNING: This post contains extreme paleness not suitable for all audiences. Hide yo kids, hide yo wife, and hide yo husband b/c this is happening…

If you’re American then today was just another normal day, but for Aussies everywhere today is a day for beer, BBQ, & sunning yourself on the beach. Unless you find yourself as an Australian in Montana on Australia Day, like my friend Ashlin. In true Aussie form she wasn’t going to let a little thing like the cold Montana winter from celebrating her country’s day the way she has always celebrated it; in a bikini.

Never one to leave a friend hanging, I trekked up to Marion to celebrate the day w/ Ash as an honorary Aussie. 
Miss February for Musher Girls 2013
This weekend also coincided w/ the move of my dear friends as they’re heading to southern Colorado to be closer to family (something I most certainly cannot fault them for). Along side the festivities we packed up most of the entire compound and took the dogs out on my last run w/ Quinault [in Montana]. 
It’s going to be incredibly hard to see them go, but only until our next adventure. 

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