Samantha’s Adventure

My cousin, Samantha, had asked me to go on an adventure for her. Now, the details behind this request are not relevant, but the request itself is. So today I made good on my promise.

     The car was packed & we were set to hit the road for a weekend of camping, hiking, & canoeing. But even the best made plans can sometimes go awry and our weekend in the wilderness turned into a ten hour road trip circling the Mission Mountains. It was such a fun trip that neither of us would complain about fact that we are back in Missoula for the night rather than sleeping in a tent. Tomorrow we try again!

2 thoughts on “Samantha’s Adventure

  1. Holly Rae says:

    lol. No, that would've been a way more awesome story tho. We couldn't find a campground for under $15 & neither of us wanted to pay to be in an overcrowded field.

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