I made it okay!

Heya all, well I made it to texas monday at around 2 in the afternoon with little trouble. I went to work right away and didn’t stop until around 2 in the am. I was back up at 7:30 today to make sure the babies had their food. This is the first break I’ve taken and it was just to scarf down a quick bite to eat, balance my check book from the way down here, and get online quick to check my e-mail. Just wanted to let everyone know that I am okay, well, that is if you exclude a few of the gashes in my arm from the cubs. I’ve already fed, watered, cleaned cages, and butchered. And already I’ve been peed on, pooped on, vomited on, and bled on… All I have to say is that I picked the right career choice for me. I don’t have any pics at this time. Ya’ll will have to wait till I get a day off (8 days from now) to take some pics and actually unload my car. National Geographic is here this week and there there is a retreat this weekend. I love you all and don’t forget to keep in touch!
P.s. keep the williams family in your prayers as they traveled to Cancun, Mexico today to celebrate the wedding of Curtis and Jama. I hope they enjoy their trip and have safe travels! *muah*

6 thoughts on “I made it okay!

  1. Karina says:

    YAY! It’s good to hear that you made it safely! I miss you like crazy, but I’m SOOOOO glad that you’re doing what you love! Finally! LOL! Take care and love you!

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